The conference will delve into several critical topics aimed at fostering advancements in local governance and financial management. The agenda includes discussions on the following key themes: 


Improving Revenue Generation at MMDAs through Creativity and Innovation

Exploring innovative strategies to enhance revenue generation within Metropolitan, Municipal, and District Assemblies (MMDAs), with an emphasis on creative approaches.


Payroll Improvement Initiatives - Dealing with the Menace of Unearned Salaries

Addressing the challenge of unearned salaries through payroll improvement initiatives, seeking effective measures to eliminate discrepancies and ensure accurate remuneration.


Digital Transformation and Technological Innovation: The Tax Implications

Analyzing the tax implications associated with the ongoing digital transformation and technological innovations, considering the impact on tax policies and revenue collection.


Application of Laws, Standards, and Technological Innovations at Covered Entities to Enhance Financial Reporting: The PFM Act 2016, IPSAS, and GIFMIS in Focus

Exploring how laws like the PFM Act of 2016, standards like IPSAS, and systems like GIFMIS enhance financial reporting within covered entities.